Month: November 2017

100 Word Challenge # 9

One day there was a girl name Holly, and she lived in a strange town. As Holly was walking home from school, she felt like she saw a ghost. Holly finally made it home and did her homework. Holly went to bed and started to dream about a picture. The picture had ghosts floating around and talking. Holly then woke up in the middle of the night and look out of her window. Holly quietly ran out of her red house. Holly took her phone out of her pocket and took a picture. Holly ran back to her house happily.

100 Word Challenge #8

Yesterday, was my birthday and we celebrated all day. I went outside and saw the white clouds move slowly through the sky. Tomorrow was also another special day it was the Fourth of July. There was going to be a show where they were going to haveĀ  fireworks, that look like flames. Anyways, for my birthday my parents planned to let all the kids go swimming because it was an arid day. All the grownups just chatted and talked about there future. It started to get dark, so everyone left. Soon, I went to bed with incredible dreams of tomorrow.